Hi Dominik, Thank you for posting the question on the Microsoft Community Forums. From the description I understand that you are facing an issue printing. To assist you better I would appreciate if you could answer the following question: 1) Have you made any changes to the hardware or software on the computer prior to the issue?
2) What exactly happens when you try to print? 3) Do you get any error message / code? 4) Is it a Wired or Wireless printer? It could be due to the incorrect Printer settings or due to the outdated printer drivers. I would suggest you to follow the steps and check. Refer to the link and follow the steps and check if it helps, Fix printer problems Hope the information provided is helpful. If you need further assistance regarding printer, please let us know we will be happy to help.
Since having windows 8, about 6 months, i have been unable to print with my oki c810 printer, I have been in touch with oki who are giving me the run around. I really need to use the printer, can someone help me please. Further details are - windows 8 64 bit, printer uses gdi printing, whatever that means.
Thats all the details I have. Dominik Simin. Hello Santhosh s23, thanks for your reply, the printing errors started when I went from windows 7 to windows 8, immediately the printer stopped working, this began about 6 months ago. Since then I have been in touch with oki, who tell me, via a download, that they don't have drivers for windows 8. They then suggest that I get in touch with oki europe, who tell me the same thing. Namely that drivers for windows 8 require another download to work, I tried the other download, that told me, eventually, that my printer would not work with this download. Since then I have heard nothing from oki.
I think my particular oki printer has been updated to another printer called a oki c830. Despite the fact that my printer is under two years old, bought in april 2011. They seem to take an age to answer any questions I ask.
Oki C810 Gdi Driver For Mac Mac
Oki MAC OS X Drivers Download. Top Download Drivers for MAC OS X. Color Correct Utility for Mac. Install Instructions: 1. Click on the file 'C530_C330_CCU_OSX_010500.dmg' 2. Follow the instructions on your computer screen to save the file to your hard disk. OKI C810 GDI driver for Mac OS X. Where to buy Contact Us. GDI Printer Driver. Version: 1.0.1. Size: 3.5 MB. Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6; Mac OS X 10.5; Mac OS X 10.4; Mac OS X 10.3. Download Here.
Are you able to help me at all? About the questions you ask, I am continually downloading small programs onto my computer, when it starts getting a bit full I take off what I don't need, I do get an error code when i try to print and it is '%d dpi' without the quotes.
It is a wired printer. I just tried, as a last resort to connect the mains lead, directly to the back of my pc, no luck I'm afraid.
Oki C810 Gdi Driver For Mac
Hail and Farewell.